The Future of Internet Betting
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The Future of Gambling Problem


According to new research study, the outcomes of internet recreation phenomenon predict the following: people playing online will be more likely to inherit a serious gambling addiction than any other group of players. The study shows that the internet attract those who try to hide such behaviors. Statistics speaks for itself, since more than half of all wagering population representatives turn to internet resources even during the rehabilitation periods. We cannot treat this problem with disrespect, because as many sorts of addictions, this behavior brings destruction and chaos. It looks like internet gambling popularity will reach its peak in near future.

A journal of the American Psychological Association (APA) reports major findings of the study. The investigation, based on contemporary collected data, warns that the explosive growth of the internet resources will likely lead to more online gambling opportunities and the health and emotional difficulties that come with gambling disorders, including substance abuse, circulatory disease, depression and risky sexual behaviors. In other words, the dominance of internet era will seriously affect individuals, using its wealth for gaming purposes. However, the study underlines that this will not resolve the already existing gambling addictions in those who use slot machines or play the lottery, it will rather add more users to the pot.

The Numbers

Psychologists from the University of Connecticut Health Center surveyed the gambling behaviors of 389 people seeking free dental or health care at the university's health clinics. Results show that nearly eleven percent of the participants were problem gamblers and over fifteen percent met the criteria for pathological gamblers. The most common forms of gambling reported by the participants were lottery (89%), slot machines (82%) and scratch tickets (79%). Card-playing forms of gambling received the following percentage: sports betting (57%), bingo (56%) and animal betting (53%). Although internet betting was the least common activity of the participants, the study found that a majority of those with internet gambling experience had the most serious levels of such disruptive behaviors, known as problematic and pathological gambling.


The authors of this study claim that: "The availability of internet gambling may draw individuals who seek out isolated and anonymous contexts for their gambling behaviors. Accessibility and use of internet gambling opportunities are likely to increase with the explosive growth of the internet". More research in this area will determine whether an increase in internet exploitation may lead to the development of more serious forms of gambling or whether the internet attracts individuals who already have a gambling problem. However, the study shows that screening for gambling problems may enhance the ability of health professionals to intervene and prevent physical and emotional health problems. What do you think?

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